Check the day you want to organise a walk on the calendar below, if that date is coloured red or amber it is already taken. If it is clear, click on the date and add your details and proposed walk in the boxes below – press send.
To add more than one walk please submit them one at a time.
Wednesday Long Walks (about 7 miles)
Every Wednesday from 6th November 2024 to 30th April 2025
2024: November 06,13,20,27 December 04,11,18,
2025: January 01,08 (with New Year Dinner),15,22,29 February 05,12,19,26
March 05,12,19,26, April 02,09,16,23,30
Sunday Walks
These are on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month.
Length and time of day are at the discretion of the walk leader.
2024: November 03,17 December 01,15
2025: January 5,19 February 02,16 March 02,16 April 06,20
Bank Holiday Ambles
Bank Holiday Ambles…….maximum length 4 miles , starting time to suit leader.
2024: December 26
2025: April 21
Evening Walks starting at 7.30pm up to 5 miles
If you submit an entry you wish to alter or cancel or if you have a query about the form, please go to contact us